Are you a teacher? Click here.

Join the Statewide Campaign to solve California’s teacher shortage. We can’t do it alone — Our kids depend on it.

Participating California schools, districts, and charter school networks will receive a #WeWantYou Campaign Toolkit, including:

Customizable Flyer

5" x 7" Postcard

Social Media Graphics

Email Template

Website Banner Image

Strategic Campaign Support

California Schools are facing teacher shortages exacerbated by the pandemic.

California schools are facing teacher shortages exacerbated by the pandemic. This is a state-wide problem that requires a coordinated state-wide solution. To help, we want to equip all schools with resources that will aid them in recruiting and hiring the right teachers. Hiring the right teacher for your school is a difficult and timely endeavor. The California Center on Teaching Careers is here to help.

The #WeWantYou Campaign Has Launched!

On January 1, The Center launched the #WeWantYou Campaign to recruit new teachers into the profession by working with community partners around the state.

Join us today to solve California’s teacher shortage – we can’t do it alone. We'll send you a free campaign toolkit with high quality resources that can be customized to your school. 

Get Access to The #WeWantYou
Campaign Toolkit

Our free campaign toolkit contains recruitment collateral including customizable flyers, postcards, social media graphics and more to help drive more teachers to fill the gaps at your school or district. 

We Want You
to Find the Right Teacher!

We Need Your Support in
Tackling California’s Teacher Shortage

A teacher is the single most important factor in a child’s academic success. California has an unprecedented number of open teacher positions and we need to work together to solve this challenge. The Center is committed to leading this effort through the accessibility of resources and opportunities for both schools and school districts, as well as teachers of all backgrounds. This statewide issue requires us to work together. Will you help us support California’s students through a statewide recruitment effort? 

Learn more about how you can maximize your recruitment campaigns and hire the right teachers! 

Sign up to receive a free copy of the Teacher Recruitment Campaign Toolkit.

The California Center on Teaching Careers
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